Tongue Posture for Facial Beauty


In this class you will learn:

1. What is proper Tongue Posture and how do you practice it?

2. How Tongue Posture enhances beauty and facial well-aging.

3. Why Sandra uses it to minimize eye bags + dark circles, jowl and neck sagging, create mid-face volume.

4. How Tongue Posture helps common health issues like allergies, sinus issues, headaches, neck pain.

5. Why it is superior to facial “tweakments” like filler, botox and facelifts

What causes the shape of your face? Genetics play a huge role of course. To some extent your emotions do as well, playing out on the stage of your face. But another important cause of your facial shape is your tongue. 

Holding your tongue in a downward + forward position in the mouth can cause a number of health problems, and in older folks it can cause that plus “poor-aging” (as opposed to “well-aging”) of the face.

Using fillers to pad your face from lines and volume loss may change the outer aesthetic, but practicing tongue posture can help prevent the “collapse” of the mid face we tend to see in middle age that you probably think is “gravity” pulling down your face and causing your skin to sag. This is enhanced further by dental devices and functional tongue exercises.

We have a lot to share on this in our next class with the master Michal Niedselski, P.T. - probably the smartest and hardest working physical therapist in the world who is our trusted posture and tongue expert. Join us to learn how to use tongue posture to enhance your facial beauty and amplify your Gua Sha results!

How To Use
